Source code for kairosdb

# coding: utf-8
#  KairosDB REST API python client and interface (python-kairosdb)
#  Copyright (C) 2017 Denis Pompilio (jawa) <>
#  This file is part of python-kairosdb
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the MIT License.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  MIT License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the MIT License along with this
#  program; if not, see <>.

import logging
import fnmatch
from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler
from kairosdb import client

#: Current version of the package as :class:`str`.
VERSION = "0.2.1"

#: Basic logger for KairosDB interface module
LOG = None

[docs]def basic_logger(): """Configure a basic logger for KairosDB interface :return: Logger object """ if not LOG: logger = logging.getLogger('kairosdb') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fmt_syslog = logging.Formatter( '%(module)s %(processName)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s') fmt_stream = logging.Formatter( '%(processName)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s') stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(fmt_stream) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) syslog_handler = SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log') syslog_handler.setFormatter(fmt_syslog) syslog_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(syslog_handler) global LOG LOG = logger return LOG
[docs]class KairosDBAPI(client.KairosDBAPIEndPoint): """KairosDB API interface .. attribute:: version KairosDB version from API. .. seealso:: \ .. attribute:: health_status KairosDB health status from API. .. seealso:: \ .. attribute:: health_check KairosDB health check from API. .. seealso:: \ .. attribute:: metricnames KairosDB metric names from API. .. seealso:: \ .. attribute:: tagnames KairosDB tag names from API. .. seealso:: \ .. attribute:: tagvalues KairosDB tag values from API. .. seealso:: \ """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialization method""" super(KairosDBAPI, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._metricnames = None self._tagnames = None self._tagvalues = None @property def version(self): """KairosDB version""" return self._get('version').get('version') @property def health_status(self): """KairosDB health status""" return self._get('health/status') @property def health_check(self): """KairosDB health check""" return self._get('health/check') @property def metricnames(self): """Metric names""" if not self._metricnames: self._metricnames = self._get('metricnames').get('results') return self._metricnames @property def tagnames(self): """Tag names""" if not self._tagnames: self._tagnames = self._get('tagnames').get('results') return self._tagnames @property def tagvalues(self): """Tag values""" if not self._tagvalues: self._tagvalues = self._get('tagvalues').get('results') return self._tagvalues
[docs] def search_metrics(self, matches, exclude_matches=None): """Search KairosDB metrics using glob matches :param list matches: List of glob matches :param list exclude_matches: List of glob matches for exclusions :return: Matched metric names as :func:`list` """ x_metrics = [] if exclude_matches: [x_metrics.extend(fnmatch.filter(self.metricnames, match)) for match in exclude_matches] x_metrics = set(x_metrics) matched_metrics = [] for match in matches: for metric in fnmatch.filter(self.metricnames, match): if metric not in x_metrics: matched_metrics.append(metric) return matched_metrics
[docs] def query_metrics(self, data): """Get metrics data points :param dict data: Data to post for query :return: Metric data points as :class:`dict` .. seealso:: \ """ return self._post('datapoints/query', data=data)
[docs] def delete_metric(self, metric_name): """Delete a metric and all data points associated with the metric :param str metric_name: Name of the metric to delete .. seealso:: \ """ return self._delete('metric/%s' % metric_name)
[docs] def delete_datapoints(self, data): """Delete metric data points :param dict data: Data to post for query .. seealso:: \ """ return self._post('datapoints/delete', data=data)